Una Ola Surf Camp

Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica, has been helping our guests learn how to surf and find the best waves in Costa Rica since 2003. We are dedicated to giving you the absolute best surfing experience in Costa Rica. All our surf instructors are ISA level 2, First Aid & Ocean Lifeguard Certified. Come surf with us at Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica! CALL US ANYTIME! 1-888-958-7873

Working Hours

Sunrise to Suset, Everyday!

Surf Reports

Surf Report – Page 15 – Una Ola
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Pavones Surf Reports

Pavones surf report is our daily surf report for Pavones, Costa Rica with current surfing conditions, surf report photos, and surf report videos of the actual waves in Pavones, Costa Rica, each and every day. We invite you to stay informed with our daily surf reports of Pavones, Costa Rica. Surf report includes, Costa Rica weather and ocean tides. Daily surf reports, surfing forecasts, photos, video of the waves in Pavones, Costa Rica, the world's second longest left hand point break, and the one of the best waves for surfing in Costa Rica.

Pavones Surf Report
1 Jan

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report – January 1, 2020

Costa Rica Surf Report for Pavones, Costa Rica Pavones Surf Report Video Pavones Surf Report:  Happy New Year!  The surf was a pleasant surprise this morning, picking up slightly overnight, with small glassy waves in the waist high range peeling around the corner.  It was really fun, and perfect for learning today.  The wind was dead still early, turning light onshore by noon.  Hopefully, it glasses off for an evening session on the incoming tide. Costa Rica Tides: 2.40ft Low Tide @ 12:34am 8.40ft High Tide @ 6:36am 1.90ft Low Tide @ 12:50pm 8.56ft High Tide @ 7:11pm Costa...

12 Dec

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report – December 12, 2019

Costa Rica Surf Report for Pavones, Costa Rica Pavones Surf Report Video Pavones Surf Report:  The surf was flat today with ankle high waves making it around the corner.  When it’s this small you really need to time the tides to catch anything.  The best bet was at the top of the point, but bring a longboard if you want to take advantage of the tiny surf. Costa Rica Tides: 9.68ft High Tide @ 2:24am 0.82ft Low Tide @ 8:46am 9.12ft High Tide @ 2:58pm 1.67ft Low Tide @ 8:56pm Costa Rica Weather: It’s another beautiful rainy season day here...

Pavones Surf Report
11 Dec

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report – December 11, 2019

Costa Rica Surf Report for Pavones, Costa Rica Pavones Surf Report Video Pavones Surf Report:  The surf was small, but fun, today with waist to chest high waves at the top of the point on the mid tide upswing.  We had clean, and glassy, wind conditions most of the day. Costa Rica Tides: 9.35ft High Tide @ 1:45am 1.18ft Low Tide @ 8:08am 8.79ft High Tide @ 2:19pm 1.94ft Low Tide @ 8:16pm Costa Rica Weather: It’s another beautiful rainy season day here in Pavones, Costa Rica.  It was mostly cloudy today, but never really threatened any rain.  The wind...

Pavones Surf Report
10 Dec

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report – December 10, 2019

Costa Rica Surf Report for Pavones, Costa Rica Pavones Surf Report Video Pavones Surf Report:  The surf was small this morning with only waist high waves making it around the corner.  The top of the point was a bit bigger, and more consistent, but still tiny.  Dropping tides and unfavorable westerly winds early, made for poor conditions, until the tide started to fill in and the winds glassed off around 11am. Costa Rica Tides: 8.99ft High Tide @ 1:05am 1.61ft Low Tide @ 7:28am 8.40ft High Tide @ 1:39pm 2.23ft Low Tide @ 7:35pm Costa Rica Weather: It’s another beautiful...

Pavones Surf Report
30 Nov

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report – November 30, 2019

Costa Rica Surf Report for Pavones, Costa Rica Pavones Surf Report Video Pavones Surf Report:  The surf was small today with mostly waist to chest high waves, with some larger sets breaking further up the point.  The tide was high at first light this morning, making it a bit backwashed a warbled.  The wind conditions are light and glassy at the moment.  And it looks to be cleaning up. Costa Rica Tides: 9.91ft High Tide @ 4:51am 0.59ft Low Tide @ 11:10am 9.42ft High Tide @ 5:26pm 1.74ft Low Tide @ 11:29pm Costa Rica Weather: It’s another beautiful rainy season...