Una Ola Surf Camp

Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica, has been helping our guests learn how to surf and find the best waves in Costa Rica since 2003. We are dedicated to giving you the absolute best surfing experience in Costa Rica. All our surf instructors are ISA level 2, First Aid & Ocean Lifeguard Certified. Come surf with us at Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica! CALL US ANYTIME! 1-888-958-7873

Working Hours

Sunrise to Suset, Everyday!

Surf Reports

Surf Reports – Page 42 – Una Ola
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15 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 15, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 1-2ft  Knee to waist high waves with mostly poor shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – It was pretty much flat today at the point.  Still, it was super good for surf lessons, calm, easy to handle waves, with just enough force to propel beginners on a big foamy.  Should be more surf coming soon. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 8.17ft @ 5:28am, dropping down to a low tide of 0.65ft @ 11:23am, then moving back up to a high tide of 8.50ft @ 5:40pm this evening. Costa...

14 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 14, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2ft  Waist high waves with mostly poor shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – Small Semana Santa surf combined with the requisite crowds, made for a rather uninviting surf session this morning despite favorable wind conditions.  We should be getting a bit more swell over the weekend, hopefully, this will spread out the crowds. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 8.44ft @ 4:51am, dropping down to a low tide of 0.35ft @ 10:46am, then moving back up to a high tide of 8.82ft @ 5:03pm this evening. Costa Rica...

Costa Rica Surf
13 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 13, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 1-2ft  Waist high waves with mostly poor shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – Small surf which was decent early, but became a complete mess with the dropping tide and strong onshore winds today.  Let's hope it cleans up a bit tomorrow, the Semana Santa crowds have already started showing up for the weekend. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 8.61ft @ 4:13am, dropping down to a low tide of 0.14ft @ 10:11am, moving back up to a high tide of 9.05ft @ 4:27pm this afternoon. Costa Rica Weather: The...

costa rica surf report
12 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 12, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2ft  Waist high waves with mostly poor shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The surf was small again this morning but the early high tides made it surfable for an hour or so after daybreak.  Beyond that, the quickly dropping tide and lack of significant swell made it more or less a waste of time going surfing today. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 8.65ft @ 3:36am, dropping down to a low tide of 0.05ft @ 9:36am, moving back up to a high tide of 9.14ft @...

11 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 11, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2ft  Waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The surf was small this morning and the tide was still dropping at daybreak.  It never cleaned up, as the wind got on it early today, blowing out completely before noon.  Hopefully, we will see some swell soon. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 8.58ft @ 2:57am, dropping down to a low tide of 0.07ft @ 8:59am, moving back up to a high tide of 9,11ft @ 3:14pm this afternoon. Costa Rica Weather: The weather...

Costa Rica Surf Report
10 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 10, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Waist to chest high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The morning low tide, and the small but steady swell, wasn't that good early, but definitely improved with the Zancudo wind glassing, just as the tide began to push through the mid tidal swing. Costa Rica Tides: We had a morning low tide of 0.20ft @ 8:19am, moving up to a high tide of 8.94ft @ 2:35pm, then dropping back down to a low tide of 0.01ft @ 8:46pm tonight. Costa Rica Weather: The weather in Pavones, Costa Rica was mostly...

9 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 9, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Waist to chest high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The tide and Zancudo winds this morning was killing the surf.  Still, there was something to ride.  Lots of closeouts.  Should get better with the incoming tide, and the winds turn from a more favorable. Costa Rica Tides: We had a morning low tide of 0.41ft @ 7:35am, moving up to a high tide of 8.66ft @ 1:52pm, then dropping back down to a low tide of 0.29ft @ 8:04pm tonight. Costa Rica Weather: The weather in Pavones, Costa Rica...

Costa Rica Surf Report
8 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 8, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Waist to chest high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The waves were about the same this morning as yesterday, though the wind started to come on early.  Still, there were some fun waves to be had before it blew out completely, and the tide flooded the basin. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.68ft @ 5:45am, moving up to a high tide of 8.30ft @ 1:04pm, then dropping back down to a low tide of 0.64ft @ 7:16pm this evening. Costa Rica Weather: The...

Costa Rica Surf Report
7 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 7, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Waist to chest high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The waves were slightly smaller today and closing out quite a lot this morning.  It cleaned up for a fun evening session.  Wind was light most of the day. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.91ft @ 5:45am, moving up to a high tide of 7.92ft @ 12:08pm, then dropping back down to a low tide of 1.01ft @ 6:20pm this evening. Costa Rica Weather: The weather in Pavones, Costa Rica was cloudy this morning, turning...

6 Apr

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – April 6, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-4ft  Waist to shoulder high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica – The swell picked up slightly this morning with some decent waves coming through.  The angle was a bit too west as it approached the river mouth making for quite a few close outs.  The wind was light and glassy.  The surf seemed to be building through the day.  Looks like fun waves tomorrow morning! Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.97ft @ 4:35am, moving up to a high tide of 7.66ft @...