Una Ola Surf Camp

Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica, has been helping our guests learn how to surf and find the best waves in Costa Rica since 2003. We are dedicated to giving you the absolute best surfing experience in Costa Rica. All our surf instructors are ISA level 2, First Aid & Ocean Lifeguard Certified. Come surf with us at Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica! CALL US ANYTIME! 1-888-958-7873

Working Hours

Sunrise to Suset, Everyday!

Surf Reports

March 2017 – Page 3 – Una Ola
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10 Mar

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 10, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Knee to waist high waves with poor shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –  The surf has been small and a bit too fast the past couple days, the size and swell angle are causing a few too many closeouts for my taste.  Not much surf on tap this week.  I might just have to go out regardless.  Wind conditions were glassy most of the morning, turning onshore this afternoon. Costa Rica Tides: We had a morning low tide of 0.40 @ 7:04am, filling in to a high tide of 8.30 ft @ 1:33pm,...

9 Mar

Surf Report: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 9, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Knee to waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –  The surf was still small, but fun today.  The corner is still pinching off but the huge sandbar that has been shutting down the waves is starting to smooth out.  The next swell should see it begin to fire again.  We had light Zancudo winds early, adding a little bump, but this cleaned up and it is glassy now. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.75 @ 6:09am, filling in to a high tide of...

Waves at the Boca del Rio Claro de Pavones
8 Mar

Surf Report: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 8, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 2-3ft  Knee to waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –  The surf was small today.  Heavy rains last night pushed a bunch of sand down the point into the bay creating a little sandbar in front of the surf camp.  It was still pinching at the corner, but great for lessons on the inner bay.  Winds were light and glassy until the afternoon today. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.93 @ 4:51am, moving up to a high tide of 7.49...

Pavones Surf Break from the Air
7 Mar

Surf Report: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 7, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 3ft  Waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –  The surf was much the same as it's been the past couple days.  It was still pinching at the corner, but great for lessons on the inner bay.  Winds were light and glassy until the afternoon today. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning low tide of 0.83 @ 3:38am, moving up to a high tide of 7.43 ft @ 10:02am, dropping quickly down to a low tide of  1.23 ft @ 4:03pm later this afternoon. Costa Rica Weather: The weather...

view of the waves breaking at the Rio Claro de Pavones
6 Mar

Surf Report: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 6, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 3ft  Waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –   The surf was small but fun this morning, though the lineup was a bit full of people.  The early morning high tide was pinching at the corner again, separating the top of the point from the inside bay.  Winds were light and glassy until late afternoon today. Costa Rica Tides: We had a morning high tide of 7.68 ft @ 8:51am, dropping quickly to a low tide of  0.91 ft @ 3:51pm this afternoon, then moving back up to a high tide...

Surfing waves in Pavones, Costa Rica from drone
5 Mar

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 5, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 3ft  Waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –   The surf looked fast with a bit more sections closing out this morning.  The early morning high tide was pinching at the corner, with a few sets pushing further into the bay.  The winds were light and glassy until around noon today. Costa Rica Tides: We had a morning high tide of 8.12 ft @ 7:48am, dropping quickly to a low tide of  0.41 ft @ 1:49am this morning, then moving back up to a high tide of 8.62 ft @ 8:15pm,...

Pavones, Costa Rica Surf Report
2 Mar

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 2, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 3-4ft  Waist to chest high waves with fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –   The was much better than it looks this morning.  The early morning high tide was closing out at the corner, but the dropping tide cleaned it up quite a bit.  The winds were light and glassy until the mid afternoon. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 9.29 ft @ 5:21am, dropping quickly to a low tide of  -0.79 ft @ 11:23am this morning, then moving back up to a high tide of 9.76 ft @ 5:43pm,...

1 Mar

Surf Reports: Pavones, Costa Rica – March 1, 2017

Costa Rica Surf Report: 3ft  Waist high waves with poor to fair shape. Pavones, Costa Rica –   The sets were a bit inconsistent this morning.  The shape was decent but really fast and closing out a lot.  The winds were light and glassy until the late afternoon. Costa Rica Tides: We had an early morning high tide of 9.37 ft @ 4:38am, dropping quickly to a low tide of  -0.85 ft @ 10:42am this morning, then moving back up to a high tide of 9.80 ft @ 5:00pm, this evening Costa Rica Weather: The weather in Pavones, Costa Rica...