Una Ola Surf Camp

Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica, has been helping our guests learn how to surf and find the best waves in Costa Rica since 2003. We are dedicated to giving you the absolute best surfing experience in Costa Rica. All our surf instructors are ISA level 2, First Aid & Ocean Lifeguard Certified. Come surf with us at Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica! CALL US ANYTIME! 1-888-958-7873

Working Hours

Sunrise to Suset, Everyday!

Surf Reports

Lessons – Una Ola
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Beginner Surf Lessons Girls

Costa Rica Surfing Lessons

Surfing lessons in Pavones, Costa Rica for all surfing ability levels. Beginner surfing lessons, intermediate and advanced surf coaching. Learn how to surf in Costa Rica. Improve your surfing technique with expert surf coaching. Costa Rica surf lessons for all ability levels.