Una Ola Surf Camp

Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica, has been helping our guests learn how to surf and find the best waves in Costa Rica since 2003. We are dedicated to giving you the absolute best surfing experience in Costa Rica. All our surf instructors are ISA level 2, First Aid & Ocean Lifeguard Certified. Come surf with us at Una Ola Surf Camp in Pavones, Costa Rica! CALL US ANYTIME! 1-888-958-7873

Working Hours

Sunrise to Suset, Everyday!

Surf Reports

Intermediate Level Surf Camps – Una Ola
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Intermediate Level Surf Camps


per person

Improve your surfing technique with intermediate level surf coaching.

Girl Surfing Pavones

This is an all-inclusive surf camp. This surf camp program is designed intermediate surfers who have already learned how to catch waves, but are still finding it difficult to consistently catch waves on their own.  If you are struggling with improving your surfing skills beyond the basics, then this intermediate level surf camp is what you might be looking for.

Video analysis and feedback are an essential part of our intermediate surf coaching process. We will find where you are having difficulty, and help you improve your technique quickly, so that you can predict where the waves are going to be, putting yourself in the perfect position to catch and ride more waves. You will learn how to read the waves better. How to catch more waves, and how to ride them with more confidence and control.

If you have any questions about whether this intermediate surf camp option is for you, then feel free to contact us anytime!

18+ Age
  • Departure
    San Jose, Costa Rica - SJO - San Juan Santamaria International Airport (Sansa Terminal)
  • Departure Time
    Depends on your flight arrival times
  • Return Time
    Depends on your flight departure times
  • Dress Code
    Comfortable. Casual beach attire, athletic clothing for a tropical environment. Hiking boots, sandals, hat, sunglasses & sunscreen.
  • Include
    Video Feedback
    Local Surf Coach
    Surfboard Rentals
    R/T Airport Transfers (Golfito – Pavones)
    Surf Lessons
  • Not Included
    Waterfall Tours
    Horseback Tours
    Fishing Tours
    Fishing Equipment Rentals
    Ice Chest / Cooler Rentals
    Hiking Tours
    Bike Rentals
    ATV / Quad Rentals
    SUP Lessons / Tours
    Yoga Classes
    Local Surf Guide
    Boat Trips along Burica Peninsula
    Beginner Surfboard
    Personal Surf Instructor
    Guided Surf Tours
    R/T Ground Transportation (SJO – Pavones)
    Boat Trips to Cabo Matapalo
    R/T Flights (SJO – Golfito)

Day 1 - Pick-up & Transfers from Golfito to Pavones, Orientation Dinner & Drinks


Day 2 - Morning & Evening Surf Session


Day 3 - Morning & Evening Surf Session


Day 4 - Morning & Evening Surf Session


Day 5 - Morning & Evening Surf Session


Day 6 - Morning & Evening Surf Session


Day 7 - Morning Surf Session (time permitting), Transfer from Pavones to Golfito

Tour Location